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中国石化新闻网讯 据离岸工程网站12月15日消息 《朝日新闻》周二报道,日本计划到2040年安装30-45吉瓦的海上风力发电,以减少排放,实现到2050年碳中和的目标。 如果这些计划付诸实施,将使日本成为全球海上风电行业的领导者,并为可再生能源制定明确的目标,这可能会刺激对该领域的更多投资。 《朝日新闻》表示,日本政府将在周二晚些时候与一批身份不明的公司达成协议后宣布这些计划。该报称,这些计划将成为政府将于今年年底推出的绿色增长战略的一部分。 记者未能立即联系到能源部置评。 日本政府在2018年通过了旨在促进海上风电开发的立法,但自那以后没有任何重大项目获得批准,一些业内人士表示,投资规则和监管过于复杂。 日本首相Yoshihide Suga 10月表示,世界第五大温室气体排放国将在2050年实现碳中和,这是一个重大的转变。 吴恒磊 编译自 离岸工程 原文如下: Japan Plans to Install Up to 45GW of Offshore Wind Power Japan plans to install between 30 gigawatts and 45 gigawatts of offshore wind power by 2040 to reduce emissions and meet a target to achieve carbon neutrality by the year 2050, the Asahi newspaper reported on Tuesday, without citing sources. The plans, if set in motion, would make Japan a global leader in offshore wind as well as make clear explicit targets for the renewable energy source, which may spur more investment in the sector. The government is set to announce the plans later on Tuesday after reaching an agreement with a group of unidentified companies, the Asahi said. These plans will form part of a "green growth strategy" to be rolled out by the government at the end of the year, the paper said. The industry ministry could not be immediately reached for comment. Japan's government passed legislation in 2018 designed to promote offshore wind development, but no major projects have been approved since then and some industry participants say that the rules for investment and regulations are too complicated. Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said in October that the world's fifth-biggest greenhouse gas emitter will aim for carbon-neutrality by 2050, in a major shift in position.文中内容、图片均来源于网络,如有版权问题请联系本站删除!





